Lumise Shop - Zippy's

Design Your Own Shirts

100, Two color, custom print TEES $999.99

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Thousands of pre-installed images to add to your design.


With Emojis you can add your touch, make it your own!!!


Thats right, you get to create it right here. 


Best quality for the lowest cost. 

Lets get excited together.

Faith is taking the first step. Even when you dont see the whole staircase. 

Martin Luther King Jr

Easy to Use Custom Text Editor

We allow for you to add google fonts just in case your looking for something different. Upload your own images in no time. Come, lets see what you can build!

Big Savings!!

Check out our product line. You will find tons of promotional products with huge discounts. Make great gifts for anyone. 

Huge Promotions!!

Take advantage! Some products up to 30% off. With a $10 mail in rebate. Now thats CRAZY!!